Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Eyes Deserve To See Better

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes your vision blurry after sitting in front of a computer for a long time?  What makes your eyes red every summer season?  Can you ever get rid of those glasses that you have been wearing since you were five?  Now you can find the answers you are looking for here in a two-way street of communication through my professional blog for people just like you!  In a world of overhwelming deluge of information online and offline, I set out to deliver a clear and information message to all of my patients or patients-to-be about their most precious resource - their eyes.   By no means I want to substitute a visit to the doctor with this blog, but rather I aim to educate our patients about common eye conditions, problems, most advanced procedures we offer and answer most frequently asked questions.   There are many studies that confirm that one needs to hear a new peice of information several times before it is stored as a  long-term memory.  I want this blog to be a resource for my patients to go back to and look up the things we had discussed during our visit.  This blog is intended to be as much as a tool for patient education as it is a forum for everyone who has questions about his or her vision and eye health.  So feel free to join in and comment! 

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